- I can stay professional in any situation and keep my stress level hidden.
- The amount of energy I have everyday is unreal.
- I'm stern at work when I need to be and can separate friendship and work easily.
- If I learn about a product I can sell it. No matter what it is.
- Positive
2.) Although the people I interviewed know me best, they tried to do the recorded interview but wouldn't stop laughing. I had them write down what they were going to say about me and I took a picture. Anyone close to me has a sense of humor like myself.
I've worked with Chelsey for about 3 years now. She knows my drive to help others be successful and how determined I am with school.
Kendra and I have known each other for 6 years now. We work together almost everyday and she described me as a very thoughtful and faithful person.
Richard and I have worked together for 6 years as well. Now, we actually work every single day we're scheduled together. It's a love/hate relationship. He knows me when I have a million different tasks at hand and knows how well I handle them.
Danielle (sister)-
Well, I've known her my whole life. She mentioned how I'm always able to make new friends. I have to agree with her! I love meeting new people and enjoy making new friends everyday.

3.) I believe my friends and family are spot on. They probably know me better than I know myself. I wouldn't change my list but I would add what they said to it. Our differences were the fact that I tried to focus on a work atmosphere. They were general and to the point with what they believe makes me different and who I am.
Hey Melanie,
ReplyDeleteAs many people close to me have a sense of humor similar to mine as well, I can definitely understand the laughing! Taking a picture of your interviewees with a list of their characteristics of you was a very creative idea! It is clear that those around you truly know you well because they stated many of the same attributes that you gave yourself! Great job!
Hey Melanie,
ReplyDeleteI agree with Spencer's comment that taking a picture of each interviewee was an interesting and creative idea! It makes your blog seem more lighthearted yet professional. It helps me actually enjoy reading your blog out of the many we have to read and comment on for these assignments. Keep up the great work!
Hi Melanie,
ReplyDeleteI like your creative take on the interviews. Based on what they wrote it seems like they agree on the qualities you said you possessed on the first section of this assignment. I think your secret sauce is definately the positive vibe you give off. I don't know you personally but based on your blog posts I've come to gather that you are a pretty cool chick :-)
ReplyDeleteVery creative, this is much better than a recording! I like the way you conducted your interviews! Overall you seem to know yourself very well as do your friends/family. I found the same thing with my interviews....people who know themselves first go far in life is what I have been told (you have to make yourself happy..which start by knowing yourself...to make others happy!). You should see if your friends/family could give you more detail so you could find out new attributes about yourself in the future!
Hi Melanie,
ReplyDeleteI loved that you improvised to get your assignment done. It shows you're dedicated to this class. All 5 of your human capital points are great traits to have and you described them very modestly! I think it's great that the way you view yourself and the way those that are close to you view you are the same. It's funny though how friends and family can recognize things about yourself that you might not think of!
Hi Melanie,
ReplyDeleteI wish I had bullet point four like you. I struggle when it comes to selling a product. I know if I learn it will get me far. Bullet point one you made I can relate to however. I know how to keep my work and personal life separate. That little thing plays a huge role in the work ethic.
Everyone seem to engage and be happy in your post! It is nice to have them on the same page as you the way you view yourself. I want also point keeping your stress level hidden must be a handful to do so, having to hide it all but its good way to keep positive attitude.