Sunday, July 24, 2016

Celebrating Failure

Well, I try not to fail at much. One thing I seem to be really good at is getting stuck in the mud. Every week I take my four wheeler out and go mudding. I have big mud tires and my whole thing is decked out so I can ride deep. For me, it's embarrassing when I get stuck. Once you get stuck, someone has to stop what they're doing and help you get out. I've finally learned to watch where people go first. If a smaller four wheeler can go through it, then I can too. I need to stop being stubborn and worrying about going full throttle first. Failure is definitely hard for me. I don't like being embarrassed and I sure don't like to have to try again. This class has showed me to keep pushing. Failure is a part of life and you eventually learn something good from it.

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