Sunday, July 10, 2016

Reading Reflection No. 2

Book- How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams

1) What was the general theme or argument of the book? 
Scott Adams argued his amount of fails at success. He also talked about complications he had with dystonia and how he overcame it. His belief was that systems were overruled when being compared to goals. 

2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
I believe that all of the assignments we have been doing is really it's own system. There's not technically an ultimate goal but more of a system to better our understanding of how to grasp drive and overcome our fears. 

3) If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
The assignment would involve all the students to create goals. Then for the responses from classmates we could try and come up with a system instead that would fit in that category of goals.

4) What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?
I never thought the title would be so exact. I also knew nothing about dystonia and never met anyone who suffered with it, so that was a big 'aha' for me. It would've never crossed my mind that this guy created a comic either. 

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