Sunday, July 3, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 2

I didn't really receive negative feedback from my last speech. After looking at everyone's elevator pitch, I realized how much better it looked to be standing up instead of sitting down. I liked the hand gestures and how much more convincing it looked. So, that's exactly what I decided to change in this one.


  1. Hey Melanie!

    I'd really like to post a constructive comment on the content of your elevator pitch, but unfortunately I don't believe the audio is coming through! I think you might have some uploading error because the video is coming through crystal-clear, but the audio is really low on your microphone. Is there any way you can re-upload or confirm on your end that the sound is missing? Thanks!

  2. HI Melanie,

    I couldn't hear your pitch but I agree with you about standing up. It looks much better and gives an air of confidence. I did like the way you used hand gestures too. Since we don't have the actual product to demonstrate, the only way we can convey our message and our feelings about the product is through our body language. Even though I couldn't hear what you said your body language spoke volumes.

  3. Melanie,

    Great job on your own constructive criticism. Standing up and using hand gestures can make you look more confident and aware of your audience/topic. As everyone said above I could not hear your pitch but it looked good! I tend to use hand gestures a lot...sometimes its good and sometimes it is distracting so make sure you are careful when using them (and how much you are using them!). You should try to reload it with sound so we can all hear!


  4. Hey Melanie,

    I'm with every one else. I couldn't hear any audio. A good tip would be watching your video once through before and after you upload it to make sure you uploaded the right one and there are no technical errors. However, from the looks of it you appeared very confident and standing up makes your elevator pitch stronger by allowing you to add more emotion and hand gestures (just like you did)!


  5. Hey Melanie,
    Besides what everyone else said about audio issues it was a good post and I'm glad you had no negative feedback. It was all good sailing for you and you handle the assignment really well. Yes, standing up makes your elevator pitch more appealing showing confidence to the audience.
