Saturday, May 21, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

  • The title of the article- Programs still on track as Groundwork Jacksonville searches for new CEO
  • The link to the article -
  • A description of the story, in your own words - Groundwork Jacksonville's CEO, Dawn Emerick, is leaving the company and moving out of state. Dawn explains how her status as a CEO for the company was known to be temporary. The company will go through the Program Manager and hopefully stay on track for their projects ahead.
  • A description of the problem presented in the story - Groundwork Jacksonville is losing their CEO and doesn't have a back up. 
  • A description of who has the problem - The company, Groundwork Jacksonville, and its employees.

  • The title of the article - Formosan termite infestation raises concerns and research to stop it
  • The link to the article -
  • A description of the story, in your own words - Formosan termites have gotten to Jacksonville and are destroying some historic buildings in Jax, including the historic Woman's Club. A professor of Entomology, Su, has done research and found a way to kill off the colonies of termites. They have come up with bait systems to install around older buildings and neighborhoods. 
  • A description of the problem presented in the story - It takes a lot to kill off the colonies. Neighborhoods would have to work together to get the bait systems installed all over. 
  • A description of who has the problem - People who live in Jacksonville, Fl and own historic buildings infested with Formosan termites. 

  • The title of the article- 2016 Turtle Nesting Season begins
  • The link to the article -
  • A description of the story, in your own words - Endangered and threatened sea turtle nesting season lasts until October 31st. There are many rules that are in effect for beach goers and people that live in the area to protect these animals. 
  • A description of the problem presented in the story - There are many ways the nesting could be disturbed or sea turtles can get killed. 
  • A description of who has the problem - the sea turtles

  • The title of the article- Duval Board member's residency status under scrutiny
  • The link to the article.-
  • A description of the story, in your own words - A school board member is being accused of living in the wrong district where she works. She owns a house which was passed over to her from her parents. She stays with her son most of the time in a house, which is in a different district. The school has even dug up her JEA records for electric and water. They are saying theres no rules to how much you have to stay at a residence for you to claim a district. 
  • A description of the problem presented in the story - A school board member isn't technically living in the right area for where she works. 
  • A description of who has the problem - Constance Hall (school board member)

  • The title of the article - Duval Schools says it will comply with directive on bathroom and locker room use
  • The link to the article. -
  • A description of the story, in your own words - Duval county is addressing the issue on transgender identity. They are saying they're going to comply with the directive. 
  • A description of the problem presented in the story - They're letting different genders use whatever bathroom that they claim as their identity. 
  • A description of who has the problem - People who are not okay with this and their kids going to school in this environment. 


  1. Termites are THE WORST. We have a lot of old construction here in Miami and the house my boyfriend bought had termites also. It's horrible because they compromise the structural integrity of the building. My boyfriend is a structural engineer so he was able to gut out a wall that already had termites and replace it with treated wood that termites wont approach, but it doesn't change the fact that the neighbors have termites as well and the rest of the townhouse is wood. Ugh!

  2. I agree with Jess in the comment above mine - termites really are the worst! However, they are also very interesting creatures, but cause a lot of pain for people. I had a friend who had a termite infestation in her apartment and it really took a toll on her. It is also interesting to read about the article regarding gender identity in school systems. This is a huge argument in both local communities and also nationally.

  3. Hi Melanie,

    I watched a couple documentaries about six months ago and got educated on the foods we eat and the abuse of animals. Since then I have become a vegetarian, so the article about sea turtles is a relief for me. I think it's great that your town is making the turtles a priority and warning the citizens about the laws.

  4. Hey Melanie! I really liked that you chose an article about the sea turtle nesting season. Growing up on the east coast of Florida, I learned from a young age just how fragile their nesting habits are and how many people don't know about them. It's great that you brought some more attention to such an important subject. Hopefully more articles like this will inform beach goers of the new rules.

  5. Hey Melanie, thats a very interesting problem about the termite infestation. That can definitely present an opportunity for extermination companies to conquer in Jacksonville. Its unfortunate for those people to have their houses slowly being destroyed by those pesky insects. Hopefully they do indeed solve the problem as those historical buildings cannot be replaced.
