Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bug List

Things that bug me...

1. When my dog cries every morning to wake me up.

  • Why? It happens because since he was a puppy I've gotten up and spoiled him every time.
2. When my clothes aren't completely dry after a cycle in the dryer.

  • Why? The company I rent my machines from don't have good quality washer and dryers.
3. When drivers don't use their turn signals.

  • Why? Driving tests in Florida are too simple.
4. When the pump at gas stations are missing the piece so you don't have to hold the lever while you get gas.

  • Why? People aren't taught to respect others property and break things.
5. When customers want to know our whole menu over the phone?

  • Why? My bosses are careless and don't fix the menu on our website.
6. Dog hair all over my house.

  • Why? My Dad loved animals and allowed us to have a dog while growing up
7. Stepping into my truck and almost busting my butt.

  • Why? I don't have stepping stools.
8. Too many people at the gym.

  • Why? Because people have too many kids.
9. When theres not enough light in my bedroom

  • Why? Because my boyfriend is out of town.
10. When the toilet seat is left up.

  • Why? Because my boyfriend lives with me. 
11. When my four wheeler doesn't run correctly?

  • Why? Because I'm cheap and don't want to pay high labor costs.
12. Long lines

  • Why? The stores budget.
13. When I straighten my hair and the humidity curls it.

  • Why? My Dad was hispanic.
14. Hangovers

  • Why? Im too fun.
15. When people fart

  • Why? Unhealthy food tastes good.
16. When people don't laugh at my jokes

  • Why? Because they're not on the same intellectual level as me.
17. When I get sun burnt

  • Why? I love the beach 
18. Can't catch a fish

  • Why? Fishing guides need a better school
19. Cant find matching shoes to go with my outfit

  • Why? Parents don't teach their kids how to shop
20. When my house is dirty

  • Why? I have a crazy schedule

It was pretty hard to come up with all the things that bother me. Not many things bug me, so to find 20 I had to dig deep. Every day is different and new 'bugs' come about that didn't happen the day before. The biggest challenge I had was spreading out the assignment to be a couple of days long. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great job, your list was pretty funny and well composed. I definitely feel your pain with some of these bugs. Living in the dorms last semester I definitely ran into some of these issues such as my clothes not drying after the first cycle in the machine. I too ran into some issues while creating the list but spreading it out over multiple days definitely helped.

  3. Hi Melanie,
    I’m sure you were able to see what the main purpose of this assignment was… Discover unmet needs! Aka having an entrepreneurial point of view towards unsolved issues! Great post and keep up with the good work!

  4. o Hey Melanie. I agree that Florida driving tests are too easy. I just started driving again, and I was thinking that same thought today. The bugs seemed silly at first but many of them are popular unmet needs. However, I feel like the ideas were very concise, and it took me a while to understand the problems that these bugs create for people.

  5. As soon as I read your first bug, I knew I would love your list. I brought my dog from home up to Gainesville for a couple weeks and she has woken me up every day since at 7 am sharp to get fed and go out. Needless to say, it has been a rough couple weeks for my sleep schedule! Great post, and I agree about having trouble finding things that bug me, but good job!
