Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 1

Business Name: Budget Right
My opportunity is a way for service industry employees to budget efficiently every month since there is no real way to tell how much they'll make. My solution is an application that is designed to generate a minimum salary after a month of tips and hourly has been recorded. This will allow employees to have a better idea of their budget and be able to save each month.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

My solution

My solution for service industry people to budget their money would be to start an app to monitor an employees money for an entire month. The app would contain a calendar and you would input your schedule each week. For each day you work there will be a notification to remind you to put in the amount of money you made for the day. After a month, the app would generate a low and mid range salary. From that, service industry employees would have a better idea of how to budget and pay there bills efficiently.

Looking for Opportunity

1.) http://www.cnbc.com/2016/05/26/feds-powell-rate-hike-looking-appropriate-fairly-soon.html
- Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell believes that the interest rates will rise due to the economy being in a better state. With that being said, lenders have an opportunity to give incentives for customers to wait until the interest rates increase. I believe this opportunity might exist because the prices and employment rates are back where they need to be for economic growth and when that happens, interest rates increase. I think it'll be effective to our economy if consumers waited to obtain loans but it could be difficult to convince people to wait until interest rates are higher. Most people probably wouldn't see this opportunity as I do because it is hard to accept paying more for something in any way. After taking economics, I have more of an understanding on how important it is for interest rates to increase.

2.) http://www.cnbc.com/2016/05/26/us-weekly-jobless-claims-may-24-2016.html
- Unemployment rates have declined and haven't been below 300,000 claims for such a long period of time since 1973. Although Verizon employees are going on strike, that should hopefully only put a spiked increase for a short period of time. The opportunity I see here is for the department of labor to work with Verizon in getting their problems settled to ensure the spike doesn't affect employment rates. It won't be easy to exploit because to get a labor department, which is part of our government, to partner up with a business is difficult enough. I believe someone could look at this situation and agree with me that working together in this problem could benefit one another. If the department of labor doesn't want to see a spike in their unemployment rate and Verizon would be the main cause, then why not figure it out together?

3.) http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/27/health/zika-virus-olympic-games-health-officials-postpone/index.html
- The Olympics are said to be postponed due to a virus in Brazil. Because the Olympics is such a worldwide event, there's an opportunity to gain funding towards research. Doctors are making it apparent that this opportunity exists because they have monitored the outbreak of Zika in Brazil. The doctors and people of Brazil would highly benefit from more funding for this cause. It shouldn't be difficult to gain some market and promote donations towards this cause, especially since it is effecting an enormous event. I saw this opportunity because of the event. The olympics is such a big deal to so many people across that world, that it would be unheard of not to support the cause that's postponing it. Many people would look at this from my point of view. The world and my experience in it, is when a tragedy happens more people come together for support. Such a big outbreak that is publicized, is going to be brought to others attention.

4.) http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/03/living/missouri-transgender-teen-feat/
- The transgender bathroom situation is now affecting schools and the families which attend them. Some school districts are agreeing with allowing transgender students to use which bathroom they feel needed. States could make it so parents are able to put their children in different schools if they're not okay with the changes. The parents and children who are uncomfortable with the situation would benefit from this opportunity. Knowing they don't have to change their values due to a media problem that has gone viral. It won't be an easy task getting the different counties to work together. If too many families disagree with this problem it could cause certain schools to have a serious decline and possibly only have transgender students left. Not everyone would see this in the same way I do. I personally am biased against this whole issue and don't believe it's right for people of different sexes to use another bathroom. But, I know that some people feel disrespected by their choices in who they feel they are.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

  • The title of the article- Programs still on track as Groundwork Jacksonville searches for new CEO
  • The link to the article - http://jacksonville.com/current/town/2016-05-17/story/programs-still-track-groundwork-jacksonville-searches-new-ceo#
  • A description of the story, in your own words - Groundwork Jacksonville's CEO, Dawn Emerick, is leaving the company and moving out of state. Dawn explains how her status as a CEO for the company was known to be temporary. The company will go through the Program Manager and hopefully stay on track for their projects ahead.
  • A description of the problem presented in the story - Groundwork Jacksonville is losing their CEO and doesn't have a back up. 
  • A description of who has the problem - The company, Groundwork Jacksonville, and its employees.

  • The title of the article - Formosan termite infestation raises concerns and research to stop it
  • The link to the article - http://jacksonville.com/current/town/2016-05-11/story/formosan-termite-infestation-raises-concerns-and-research-stop-it
  • A description of the story, in your own words - Formosan termites have gotten to Jacksonville and are destroying some historic buildings in Jax, including the historic Woman's Club. A professor of Entomology, Su, has done research and found a way to kill off the colonies of termites. They have come up with bait systems to install around older buildings and neighborhoods. 
  • A description of the problem presented in the story - It takes a lot to kill off the colonies. Neighborhoods would have to work together to get the bait systems installed all over. 
  • A description of who has the problem - People who live in Jacksonville, Fl and own historic buildings infested with Formosan termites. 

  • The title of the article- 2016 Turtle Nesting Season begins
  • The link to the article - http://jacksonville.com/current/mandarin-st-johns/2016-05-11/story/community-announcements-2016-turtle-nesting-season-begins
  • A description of the story, in your own words - Endangered and threatened sea turtle nesting season lasts until October 31st. There are many rules that are in effect for beach goers and people that live in the area to protect these animals. 
  • A description of the problem presented in the story - There are many ways the nesting could be disturbed or sea turtles can get killed. 
  • A description of who has the problem - the sea turtles

  • The title of the article- Duval Board member's residency status under scrutiny
  • The link to the article.- http://jacksonville.com/news/schools/2016-05-18/story/duval-board-members-residency-status-under-scrutiny
  • A description of the story, in your own words - A school board member is being accused of living in the wrong district where she works. She owns a house which was passed over to her from her parents. She stays with her son most of the time in a house, which is in a different district. The school has even dug up her JEA records for electric and water. They are saying theres no rules to how much you have to stay at a residence for you to claim a district. 
  • A description of the problem presented in the story - A school board member isn't technically living in the right area for where she works. 
  • A description of who has the problem - Constance Hall (school board member)

  • The title of the article - Duval Schools says it will comply with directive on bathroom and locker room use
  • The link to the article. - http://jacksonville.com/news/schools/2016-05-13/story/duval-schools-says-it-will-comply-directive-bathroom-and-locker-room
  • A description of the story, in your own words - Duval county is addressing the issue on transgender identity. They are saying they're going to comply with the directive. 
  • A description of the problem presented in the story - They're letting different genders use whatever bathroom that they claim as their identity. 
  • A description of who has the problem - People who are not okay with this and their kids going to school in this environment. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bug List

Things that bug me...

1. When my dog cries every morning to wake me up.

  • Why? It happens because since he was a puppy I've gotten up and spoiled him every time.
2. When my clothes aren't completely dry after a cycle in the dryer.

  • Why? The company I rent my machines from don't have good quality washer and dryers.
3. When drivers don't use their turn signals.

  • Why? Driving tests in Florida are too simple.
4. When the pump at gas stations are missing the piece so you don't have to hold the lever while you get gas.

  • Why? People aren't taught to respect others property and break things.
5. When customers want to know our whole menu over the phone?

  • Why? My bosses are careless and don't fix the menu on our website.
6. Dog hair all over my house.

  • Why? My Dad loved animals and allowed us to have a dog while growing up
7. Stepping into my truck and almost busting my butt.

  • Why? I don't have stepping stools.
8. Too many people at the gym.

  • Why? Because people have too many kids.
9. When theres not enough light in my bedroom

  • Why? Because my boyfriend is out of town.
10. When the toilet seat is left up.

  • Why? Because my boyfriend lives with me. 
11. When my four wheeler doesn't run correctly?

  • Why? Because I'm cheap and don't want to pay high labor costs.
12. Long lines

  • Why? The stores budget.
13. When I straighten my hair and the humidity curls it.

  • Why? My Dad was hispanic.
14. Hangovers

  • Why? Im too fun.
15. When people fart

  • Why? Unhealthy food tastes good.
16. When people don't laugh at my jokes

  • Why? Because they're not on the same intellectual level as me.
17. When I get sun burnt

  • Why? I love the beach 
18. Can't catch a fish

  • Why? Fishing guides need a better school
19. Cant find matching shoes to go with my outfit

  • Why? Parents don't teach their kids how to shop
20. When my house is dirty

  • Why? I have a crazy schedule

It was pretty hard to come up with all the things that bother me. Not many things bug me, so to find 20 I had to dig deep. Every day is different and new 'bugs' come about that didn't happen the day before. The biggest challenge I had was spreading out the assignment to be a couple of days long. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

An entrepreneur story that I would like to share has to do with a friend and his journey as an entrepreneur. I met Paul Grey probably three years ago. He graduated from the University of Georgia with a degree in Management Information Systems. Once he graduated from UGA he started in sales, selling medical supplies for a company named Henry Schein Medical. All of our friends would all go out on the weekends and little by little he started acquiring an interest for making vodka. There were always ideas shot around here and there, but no one ever thought that it would become a dream for him. Whenever I would stop by the house, Paul would be reading books and researching how to make vodka and distill. After a couple of months, he started talking to his friends and investors and got the ball rolling. He quit his job in sales to wholly focus on creating a successful distillery, which became the first distillery in Jacksonville. Now it's been a little over a year and he has landed many liquor stores in Jacksonville, FL and also the Winn-dixie liquor stores. Not only to mention, it is sold at almost every bar in Jacksonville Beach, FL.

Secondly, the reason I enrolled in this class is mainly because it is part of my required classes to graduate. After listening to the first set of lectures, I'm truly excited to try something different. It'll be nice to have a class where I actually want to be engaged in, instead of being hassled to memorize a bunch of terms that I probably won't remember 5 years from now. I hope to understand more about how I can excel and be more open to meeting strangers (since that is a requirement). In the real world, you meet new people everyday so it'll be a good experience!

This is a test

just a test.